Beejus - All My Music

Friday, February 26, 2010

In The Mind of Beejus Day Contest!

Dnas, Beejus, and Streets Is Talking Radio are looking for a special guest co-host for "In The Mind of Beejus" Day, april 13th. The release date for Beejus's mixtape.

What we're looking for is someone with a great personality to come on the show and host along side Dnas while he runs the show and interviews Beejus as an artist.

To enter, simply send an email to with a picture, and a short paragraph explaining why you want to co-host, and why you think we should choose you. The contest will run untill Monday, March 15th. At which point we will choose 3 people to "test run" on the show, each with their own day. March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th.

After each test run we will compare the contestants and choose which one will get the spot for one day on April 13th. Good luck!

2/27/10 Added Note: Upon winning, you will be brought to speed about what you need to know in order to co-host on the 13th. Also note that we do the show from 12pm-3pm So make sure your schedule fits those time slots on the said days. Any questions you can email us at or through twitter. @beejus or @dnas.

3/4/2010 Added Note: We shortened the contest to end on 15th instead of the 19th.

Monday, March 9, 2009

First blog, first day, lets celebrate!

Here is my newest most recent mixtape. Entitled "Spit That Shit Vol. 1" Featuring my producer Oops and fellow rap companion Young IV(Pronounced Foe). We improv freestyle straight through 10 or so beats and lay down the flame!!!
Download and support us mayne. And help the movement by forwarding the link to everyone you know that'll be interested!